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Patient Participation Group

About the PPG

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) was set up to provide a link between the surgery and its patients. It was formed to enable the practice to better understand its patients and provide better healthcare through communication and access to surgery facilities.

The group has input into the way the practice runs and the services it provides.

Interested in becoming involved with the PPG?

A group of patients meet regularly with the doctors and practice manager to promote a clearer understanding of the way the practice works.

Any patient or carer of a patient registered with the practice is welcome to attend.

If you would like to become involved:

Areas that the PPG explore

  • Structure of the group
  • Agree and develop stated aim and objectives
  • Establish 2 way feedback process
  • Arrange information sessions on any topical health issues where need arises
  • Establish volunteering/community service opportunities to meet unmet needs of practice population
  • Participate in practice based research where appropriate, inform and publicise group’s existence and activities
  • Determine level of involvement from practice personnel and method of communication

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 27 January 2025