Suggestions, Comments and Complaints
If you would like to give us any feedback or wish to make a complaint, please complete our Feedback and Complaints Triage.
We have a complaints procedure for dealing with any complaints you may have. If you would like a copy of the procedure please ask at the reception desk. We would hope to be able to sort out your complaint as and when it happens so please tell us straight away if you have a problem with our service. If your complaint has not been fully answered please ask for our practice manager. If she is not in the building please leave a phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Any written complaints are acknowledged within three working days and we will then investigate and send you a full written reply. Complaints may be addressed to the Enfield Primary Care Trust but they will be referred back to us in the first instance for handling by our practice complaints procedure.
We take all comments, complaints and suggestions very seriously as we are continually striving to improve our service to our patients.